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7th Life Builder Conference | Keys to Secure Tomorrow!


At 6:30pm on the 6th of December it was lights out in the PG Auditorium as the attendees of the 7th Life Builder Conference were treated to a startlingly, playful opening by Baker which was related to the famous Alladin story.

This was quickly followed by a few words from Mr. Wu Wenhao of OEC who briefly commended OECians, particularly the LBC organizers, on their achievements thus far. He also introduced the guests of honour. Namely; Prof Yan Xiaohong, Prof Zhao Yutao, Prof. Xie Zhifang, Mr. Tan Cheng, Mrs. Zhang Wenjuan, Mrs. Huang Ting, Mr. Li Xinchao, Mrs. Cai Zhaohui, Mr. Cui Yong etc.

OEC Vice Dean, Mrs. Cai Zhaohui delivered the opening speech highlighting the quote; “I am the master of my faith and the captain of my destiny" (Nelson Mandela) as she made it clear that innovation, responsibility and courage are the key for securing tomorrow today.

JSU Vice President, Prof. Zhao Yutao then gave a speech reminding us of JSU's accomplishments of being ranked #41 in China and among the top #1000 worldwide. He stressed we should use guidance and take action to achieve our goals especially when others doubt our capabilities.

2019 JSU Longshun Aluminum Company Summer Internship Competition

After Emmanuel Nkudede And Naila Shaheen shared the experience about th competition, awards were presented to several outstanding OECians by the university leaders and company Chairman.

The following are the list of winners:

1st Prize - Naila Shaheen

2nd Prize - Emmanuel Nkudede & Christian Mulbah

3rd Prize - Joshua Adu, Friday Ochedi & James Quaisie

Speech 1: Belt & Road Opportunities for the African Youth

Prof Zhang Zhenke, Director of the Institute of African Studies at Nanjing University delivered an eye-opening presentation beginning with a review of African history then transitioning to the modern Africa by outlining the paradigm shift during history. He highlighted that since 2000 most of the fastest growing countries in the world by GDP are actually African countries. As many marvel are at the immense size of the African continent and numerous countries.

He concluded by stressing the importance of agriculture on all scales as well as introducing some future initiatives such as the Blue Economy which will soon host a conference in Kenya.

Speech 2: The Prize of Credibility

Ms. Juliet Li, CEO of TalentCir company in Shanghai, introduced herself as a “domestic foreigner” from Inner Mongolia. In her own words; “If people like you they will trust you and if they trust you they will do business with you. Your trust account is more important than your bank account [hence credibility is very important]”. The key points she outlined are follows:

-Be careful with your social media usage and use to network for professional opportunities

-Be professional in our interactions

-Build cooperation by learning about the company you are going to work with

-Develop competence and reliability

Day 1 of the 7th LBC closed on a high note with OECians asking many thoughtful questions.DAY 2

The second day of the Life Builder Conference was held on Saturday December 7th, at the PG Auditorium. The life changing conference commenced at 6:30pm which witnessed mass number of participants - illustrious guest, academic & administrative staff, association leaders and both international and Chinese student fraternity.

The event quick started by the MCs in the person of Mr. Oswin Aganda and Ms. Daniela Equihua where they introduced all the guest in the house as well as asked some questions about proceedings of the first day. This was to confirm the ability of students’ capacity to recall the knowledge they had during day one’s event. They then gave out some gifts as a reward for those who were able to answer the questions.

Speech 3: Taking Charge of your Life

At this juncture, Dr. Oladapo Adeleke Banwo (Foreign Expert, Jiangsu University) presented on a highly impetus topic - Taking charge of your life. In view of this, Dr. Ade really disclosed out heart touching message which really served as an inspirational tool to positively impact on students.

He further made students understood that, taking charge of your life starts with taking an honest assessment of where you are at the present moment, identifying what needs to change, and creating goals that will move the needle.

Following this, Jiangsu Chukeu Biotechnology Co., Ltd released a the Scholarship for African Medical Students and encourage all students to join in their research to find potential overseas markets

To further understand and perceive self-development as part of this conference, a panel discussion hosted by Mr. Ebenezer Lanyno, with his panelist Mr. Felix, Ms Selina, Ms Aisha and Ms Shagufta was apprehended in this regard. They took time to discuss thoroughly by means of sharing their powerful ideas to the entire house.

The organizing chairman Mr. Ebenezer Ababio gave his remarks as the event was getting to a successful end. He expressed his utmost feelings and acknowledge Overseas Education College, invited guest, student body as well as volunteers who rendered their services from the onset through the whole process.

Vice Dean of OEC, Ms. Cai Zhaohui hosted the closing ceremony, she conscientized all students to make good use of all the knowledge they have acquired from this highly esteemed conference. She further advised students to get involved in all fields of positivity as a means of building up their lives.

In fact, the occasion was fruitful and all partakers were enlightened on the keys to secure their tomorrow today. It’s our burning desire to unveil our special and profound gratitude to OEC for making this year’s LBC a reality in a grand style. It’s our outmost wish to witness subsequent LBC due to its high importance and positive impact to we students. Much appreciation to all invited guest, officials, association leaders, organizers, volunteers, and the entire student fraternity for their indefatigable contribution towards the event.


Writers: Husseini Sulemana and Pheona Mc Kenzie (LBC publicity)

Editor: Mr. Felix Kwame Nyarko (LBC publicity)

Photography: Adeleke Tobi and Utkarsh (Olive Media)

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