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Chinese & Foreign Students Had Fun With Engineering | AIES

Organized by: Association for International Engineering Students

Venue: PG 117

Date & Time: 2019 Nov. 30th, 4:30-5:30pm

Attendance: 40 Chinese & Foreign Medicos

The fields of engineering and computer science are both an applied science. Which means engineers and computer scientists alike need to be able to apply theoretical principles in their practical work. This year AIES hosted the first of its kind, Test Your Engineer’. Students from the engineering and computer fields registered to participate in 3 different construction models. The aim of the event was to give science students a platform to showcase their skills while at the same time, meeting new faces and having fun. Participants had the opportunity to successfully bring their models to life by applying their theoretical knowledge.

The event hosted in the PG building, begun at 4:30pm with the civil architecture design model being the first to commence. For this model, participants were split in 3 groups with 3 people in each group. Their task was to construct a bridge from the given materials – cardboard, wooden sticks, paper and a glue gun. Before them was a simple bridge that had previously been constructed, and was each group’s guideline. At the end each group had a magnificent bridge, each one unique from the other. The participants worked diligently together as a team to build the best bridge they could.

The second model was for power and chemical engineers. Using just salt water, batteries, a switch and wires the participants were to make a bulb switch on. Initially they struggled to make the bulb light using the salt water, but after some modifications, they succeeded. This model relied on the principle of electricity and electrolysis, which was evident when the clear salt water slowly became black in color. For everyone watching, it was a thrilling experience watching the water change right before their eyes.

The third model, robot programming, was under computer science and electrical engineering. Here the participants worked as a whole team to construct a robot car from scratch. The model required strong teamwork, with each person assigned to a specific task. Once all the intricate parts were put together, they assembled each of parts to build one robotic car.

By 7pm each group had completed their model and the event came to a close. Participants were awarded certificates for their hard work and skills. Test your Engineer’ being the first of its kind was an incredible success as each model was built and constructed from scratch. Both participants and spectators went home having learnt and experienced something new.

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