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3rd Session of "Governance of China" Reading Club Webinar

    The 3rd Reading Session of  “The Governance of China” by President Xi Jinping was held on Saturday 6th March 2021. The event was organized by the China–Africa Relationship Think Tank (CART) and supported by the Overseas Education College (OEC).  

     “Chinese Culture” is discussed. Unlike what is generally known to be Chinese culture; tea culture, and festivals, this discussion focused on technology and ideological system. 

The discussion was preceded by a presentation from Group 3 led by  Mr. Mohammed. Other members of the group including Faisal Iliasu Illo, Eman Yasser Hussien, Leslie Odai, Malcom Dapaah,Carol Dube, Mohammed Ismail Alhussam, and Zohaib Khan.

     Their presentation was divided into 6 sections including Innovative Cyber Capabilities Of China 

Public Communication In The New Era,Accelerate Media Integration,A Nation Must Have A Soul, Rise Students Awareness Of Thought On Socialism With Chinese Characteristics For A New Era, and Carry On The Legacy Of  The May 4th Movement, And Be Worthy Of The New Era.

      Mr. FAISAL ILIASU ILLO was the first to present. During his presentation, he enlightened the audience on the implication of China's cyber capabilities on an integrated economy. He also highlighted President Xi Jinping’s resolve to make China the world’s largest nation in cyberspace. Subsequent presenters reiterated the Chinese ideology of Marxism, socialism, and communism, with Chinese characteristics (SCC) to win over more people. They also enlightened the audience on China’s aim to consolidate a common base of political philosophy for all party members and people and support the realization of the two centenary goals and national rejuvenation in the context of Accelerating Media Integration.The audience was also enlightened on the youth's role in maintaining the legacy with unprecedented confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of Chinese socialism and brightened the prospects for national rejuvenation.

      Judges and guests present at the event were Ms. Wang limin from the School of Management, Ms. Wendy from the International Office, Mr. Sun xuhong from the school of Maxism, Mr. Cui Yong from the OEC, CART  acting patron Mr. Abdul-Nazif Mahmud, other OEC staffs, and CART executives. The event was moderated by Mr. Selorm Adade, Managing Director of CART. The judges express their appreciation and praised the presenters of group three (3) for their incredible work as well as CART Board Members for organizing such an educative event. They further, asked questions. and gave in-depth comments on the presentation. The group members answered the judges’ questions, they wish to broaden their knowledge profoundly about Chinese culture and implied the experience to their various countries.

(Mr. Selorm Yao-Say Solomon Adade)

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