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Global Youth Training Program of Cross-Border E-Commerce Talents

With the pandemic situation still covering the globe, consumption and trade are moving onto online platforms a lot more than before.

JSU“Belt & Road”Industry-Education Integration Institute in collaboration with "Sail from Hangzhou" Global Youth Training Program engaged OECians in an educative lecture and workshop to help find the most potential cross-border e-commerce talents. As a prerequisite for this great opportunity, all attendees were made to join an online meeting (Tencent) on 30thof January 2021 The host carefully take students through the nitty-gritties pertaining the program and competition.

The meeting started at exactly 4pm with more 90 students introducing themselves and stating their location as kindly instructed by the host . To kickstart her presentation on Entrepreneurial Mindset and Benefits of the competition, she informed students on the benefits of Super StarT, immersion and business opportunities by showing students short videos of previous successful winners and also a short life story of how she entered into live streaming business.

1. Cross-Border Live Streaming

Host gave students an in-depth lecture on cross border live streaming which is a platform created for online shopping and trade show where products are been exhibited on various social media platforms through live streaming which has immensely yielded positive results hence the need to increase its span. This competition is to provide students with opportunities to work with platforms of AliExpress and as live streamers.

She disclosed to all OECians the benefits encapsulating the live streaming competition, which are:

Exclusive and edgy live streamingtraining coursesdeveloped by committee and ALIBABA

Ø Unlimited potential of payment

Ø Visa offer

Ø Job offers

Ø Certificates to be issued by Alibaba e-copy/physical

Ø Multiple career promotion paths within Alibaba group

Connections of leading cross-border e-commerce brands

2. Alibaba Super StarT

At this juncture she explained to students again, what is involved in theGYTPwith the use of a flow chart. This aspect is divided into two, the live streaming competition and entrepreneurship competition which are to be executed individually and in groups respectively. An itinerary of the competition processes was carefully explained to students by host.

3. Packages and Official Support for Winners

After all is said and done, the successful winners for the two categories are entitled to some fascinating packages from Alibaba group which includes; exclusive display page, platform resources, relevant talent verification, corresponding government policy support, green channel for visa, long term contract, well-developed salary system, to mention but a few. These are wholly for students who will emerge winners of the Live streaming competition. For the entrepreneurship aspect, winners will have the opportunity to go through professional course training, a company registered in their name with office and fully processed visa, entitled to a project landing fund of¥50,000 - ¥1,000,000, internship in cross-border e-commerce enterprises, to mention but a few.

4. Registration processes and qualifications

Students were made aware that no registration fee is required to enter the competition. In voyage plan, the committee will help match local live studio, if not, candidates will be arranged to other cities with accommodation and transportation wholly catered for. The final 100 live streamers will be working with AliExpress, and other cross-border e-commerce platforms.

5. Questions and Answers Session

Finally, the meeting ended with some questions asked by attendees;Host took her time to answer the questions asked by students and to top up, gifts were given to lucky winners.

This activity provide a good chance for students who are interested with cross-border e-commerce to learn and start, and also be a pretty way for students to apply their knowledge.


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