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Soothe your Minds——The HeART time

Soothe your Minds | The HeART time, a two day event was held on the evenings of July 8th and 9th at Jing building room 1309. Over 30 on-campus students joined the event.

Day 1 of the event kickstarted with the MC Tanuj, welcoming everyone and bringing to light the purpose of the event to the audience. He then went on to introduce the Speaker for the night, Miss Marcia Mpofu, the Vice President of the association. She on the other hand introduced the association of HeArt to the audience; laying out the psychological objectives of the organisation and the purpose of the movie night which was to raise awareness on personality disorders, by watching the movie "SPLIT".

Day 2 of the event was an interactive session, held online where a detailed explanation was given about multiple personality disorders. The speaker explained that, personality disorders are long-term patterns of behaviour that differ significantly from what is expected which cause distress or problems in social or occupational functioning. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work and school.

After her explanations, a Q&A time ensued where the audience were questioned based on what they saw in the movie and their understanding of personality disorders. The students also got a chance to ask their questions and give their opinions regarding personality disorders and share any experience they might have encountered. All in all, the program was a success and everyone that participated had a good time and had better understanding on mental health.


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