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Power-Pack Seminar for a Great Career

The Job Hunt and Career Seminar organized by CART and IBSA was successfully held on 21st July 2021 at the Jingjiang building room 1417 and online version was organized via Zoom Meeting. Present at the event were Ms. Huang Ting [Executive Deputy Secretary of OEC CPC Branch and Dr. Cui [Vice Dean] (online). The event was hosted by Mr. Selorm and Adade, Ms. Bola Momoh, and facilitated by Ms. Nana (online) and Dr. Siba (offline). OECians availed themselves, with 30 offline and 22 online participants, to champion and grasp the available opportunities encompassing this extraordinary session.

Ms. Nana set the ball rolling with a powerful and very educative lecture on how to search for a job, write a winning resume and cover letter. She enlightened participants on successful traditional and modern job search techniques. Her presentation went into greater depth on several critical topics, including launching your job search with self-analysis, creating a job search strategy that focuses on the open job market, networking, pursuing internships, referrals and one-on-one contacts. She recommended social media platform, LinkedIn as an awesome tool for job search. Ms. Nana also provided a very useful sample pitch describing “Who You Are” in one minute or less.

Dr. Siba took the floor right afterwards with another educative and interactive session pertaining job interviews. Before discussing interviews, he helped participants understand the term skill by explaining hard and soft skills, followed by employability skills. He then moved on to job interviews, where he enlightened us on the significance of interviews and highlighted on the various types of job interviews, including panel or committee interviews, breakfast or lunch interviews, one-on-one interviews and group interviews.

A group interview was conducted among seven participants. These interviewees were asked to discuss the topic “Job vs Career, are there differences?”

Dr. Siba then instructed the candidates to prepare their opinions in 5 minutes, after which a discussion ensued. The interviewees were given prizes after the mock interview. Our Vice Dean, Dr. Cui announced a job opportunity available to PhD. graduates from Jiangsu University in Shandong Province at the end of the event. He then encouraged all interested candidates to contact him or Mr. Selorm to apply.

The response from OECians who partook in this seminar portrayed that it was really educative and treasured, so we would like to express our sincerest appreciation to Overseas Education College of Jiangsu University for this great career changing opportunity.


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