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Recap of Recent Student Events (May 17th-June 8th)

Encountering the World with Fragrance

Date & Time: May 17th, 14:00

Venue: Graduate Building

Organized By: School of Environment and Safety Engineering

Number of Participants: 200+

The International Exchange Center of the School of Environmental Safety hosted a successful international cultural festival themed "Encountering the World with Fragrance". The event aimed to enhance students' international literacy, adaptability, and cross-cultural communication skills by promoting Chinese incense culture, specifically sandalwood, known as the "king of fragrances." Sandalwood, a significant element in Chinese culture, has been used for centuries in religious ceremonies, medical care, and daily life for its purifying and mind-enlightening properties.

Invitations were sent to international students, and promotional materials encouraged broad participation. On the event day, a Chinese traditional sandalwood experience service point was set up and students engaged in mixing perfumes inspired by different countries, learning about the production methods, and exploring the rich history of Chinese sandalwood culture.

The festival drew many students, fostering respect for diverse cultural backgrounds and enhancing their cross-cultural cooperation skills. It provided a platform for cultural exchange and integration, promoting the essence of Chinese sandalwood culture both locally and internationally. The event concluded with group photos and gifts, leaving participants with cherished memories. The International Exchange Center plans to continue hosting such events to broaden students' international perspectives and promote cultural integration.

OECians visited the abode of author-Pearl S. Buck

Date & Time: June 7th, 14:00

Venue: Former Residence of Pearl S. Buck

Organized By: OEC

Number of Participants: 35

Overseas Education College organized an educational trip to the former residence, now a museum, of Nobel laureate Pearl S. Buck. Pearl, also known as "Sai Zhenzhu," spent about 20 years in the historical city of Zhenjiang and published a book titled "The Good Earth" in 1931. The book, which turned into a global bestseller, also had a movie made about it, detailing what it's like living a peasant life in early 1920s China.

The residence, which was renovated in 1992 and opened to the public to honor Buck's memory, is a two-story building. Each and every part of the house, rich in fond memories and underlying stories of struggle and growth of a nation, was introduced to students. Students were intrigued and felt amazing after being able to stand and walk around a place where one of the greatest authors once stood and lived.

At the end of the event, students felt motivated to promote intercultural exchanges and continue advocating for the vision of a unified and peaceful world inspired by Pearl S. Buck.

"Safari to Success"

African Alumni Echoes of Excellence

Date & Time: June 8th, 10:00-12:00

Venue: Jing 1412

Organized By: CART

Number of Participants: 30

The China-Africa Relationship Think Tank (CART) hosted a significant event titled "Safari to Success: African Alumni Echoes of Excellence," during which distinguished African alumni from Jiangsu University shared their inspiring journeys toward success. The event was a testament to the determination, ambition, and achievements of African students who have excelled in various fields after their time at Jiangsu University. It featured an impressive lineup of speakers who captivated the audience with their experiences and insights.

Dr. Daniel Adu, PhD, an Associate Professor at the School of Management, kicked off the event with an invigorating motivational speech. Dr. Adu highlighted the abundant work opportunities available in China for African students. He emphasized the importance of leveraging the skills and knowledge acquired during their studies and encouraged students to remain determined and proactive in pursuing their careers. His words were a beacon of hope and inspiration, resonating deeply with the audience.

Next was Dr. Bashir Adegbemiga Yusuf, PhD, an Associate Professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Dr. Yusuf shared his extensive experience in research and publication. He detailed his journey of achieving excellence in academic publications, offering valuable advice on how to navigate the challenging yet rewarding world of research. His achievements in the field served as a motivating force for aspiring researchers and academicians in the audience.

Mr. Walter Munashe Chanaka, Chief Accountant at the China-Zimbabwe Exchange Center (CZEC), provided a pre-recorded speech offering practical insights on career development. He discussed the role of strategic planning and professional networking in achieving career success. Mr. Chanaka's journey from being a student at Jiangsu University to becoming a key figure in CZEC was particularly inspiring, showcasing the significant impact of perseverance and professional acumen.

The event concluded with closing remarks from Dr. Abdul of the Overseas Education College. Dr. Abdul commended the speakers for their insightful contributions and urged current students to draw inspiration from these success stories.

"Safari to Success: African Alumni Echoes of Excellence" was not just an event but a celebration of the achievements of African alumni. It showcased the diverse paths to success and underscored Jiangsu University’s role in nurturing global talents. The event left attendees with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation, eager to carve out their own paths of excellence.


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