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Recap of Recent Student Events (April 27th-May 19th)

The “Echo of Sound and Light” Dubbing Competition

Date & Time: April 27th

Venue: Conference Center 

Organized By: School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Foreign Languages

Number of Participants: 100+

The vibrant contest commenced with an online preliminary round on March 23rd, 2024, culminating in a thrilling final on April 27th. The competition featured participants from six different schools and aimed to foster artistic passion and enhance language skills among the university's faculty and students.

During the preliminary stages, many participants showcased their dubbing skills on online platforms. Twelve standout contestants progressed to the more challenging semifinal and final rounds. Competitors participated in either Mandarin or various foreign languages, such as English and Japanese, demonstrating remarkable skill and dedication.

The final competition was structured in two phases. Contestants first dubbed their chosen pieces and then performed impromptu dubbing from randomly assigned texts, earning acclaim from both the audience and the panel of expert judges. Professors Lai Cencen, Dai Lin, Hua Zhenhao, and Student Union representative Liu Meiling provided feedback and awarded prizes to the winners. Yu Siqi secured first place in both the Mandarin and foreign language tracks.

The success of the "Echo of Sound and Light" competition has not only showcased the talents and honed the skills of Jiangsu University's community but has also significantly enriched its cultural dynamics. This initiative is expected to stimulate additional creative and artistic endeavors at the university in the future.

Sexual Health and Relationship Forum

Date & Time: May 12th,14:00-16:00

Venue: Jing 1414

Organized By: JEWELS

Number of Participants: 35

Jewels event this Saturday was definitely something the students were eagerly anticipating. More than 30 students shared in the excitement. Exploring various topics related to hygiene, avoiding STDs, and healthy relationships made for a fun-filled yet educational experience.

Combining humor and intellect, students were given important tips that could help them not only in their future careers but also in their daily lives. We had an interactive crowd that raised serious and interesting questions and engaged in discussions.

Every student who participated learned valuable lessons about the challenges and circumstances facing our generation. The Jewels team worked harmoniously together to ensure a successful event.

Generational Wisdom: Cultural Exchange at Xinyuankang Nursing Home

Date & Time: May 13th,14:30-16:00

Venue: Xinyuankang Nursing Home(信缘康护理院)

Organized By: OECians

Number of Participants: 3

Recently, with the joint efforts of Jiangsu University's International Department, the community, and sponsorship from the School of Management, the elderly talent skill-sharing event was successfully held, attracting many elderly people skilled in painting, calligraphy, and other talents, as well as domestic and international students interested in these skills.

The event aimed to enhance friendship between the elderly and international students through the sharing and exchange of talent skills, promote the transmission of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and foster mutual understanding and respect among individuals of different ages and cultural backgrounds, thereby creating a harmonious social atmosphere.

江大 Football Tournament

Date & Time: May 12th, 18th and 19th, 8:30-12:00

Venue: Xishan Playground, Opposite C8/9 

Organized By: ISSA & JU Chinese Football Association

Number of Participants: 160

The 江大 Football Tournament proved to be a competitive event enjoyed by all students. Eight schools participated in this tournament, and each school had 20 players, of which 10 were foreigners and 10 were Chinese students.

The rules stipulate that 9 players must participate, with 4 players being Chinese and 4 players being international students. The matches were played on a half pitch, with a total duration of 70 minutes, divided into two halves of 35 minutes each.

In the quarterfinal stage of Group A, the Mechanical Engineering School competed against the School of Environment and Safety Engineering, with Mechanical winning in a penalty shootout with a score of 3. The School of Medicine won with 4 goals against the School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, which scored 2 goals.

In the quarterfinal stage of Group B, the School of Management scored 5 goals against the School of Energy and Power Engineering, which scored 2 goals, while the School of Finance and Economics scored 3 goals against the School of Computer Science, which scored 2 goals.

In the semifinals, the Mechanical Engineering School played against the School of Medicine and lost. The School of Medicine scored one goal, while Mechanical Engineering scored none. Meanwhile, the School of Management dominated the School of Finance and Economics, winning 5-0.

For the third-place spot, the School of Mechanical Engineering played against the School of Finance and Economics and emerged victorious with a 3-0 scoreline.

In the finals, the School of Medicine competed against the School of Management. The School of Management emerged victorious with a score of 3 goals to 2, claiming the trophy and solidifying the success of this tournament.


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